【展覧会名】 「解/拆邊界 亞際木刻版畫實踐 (脱境界:インターアジアの木版画実践)」
【期間】2023年4月28日(金) – 5月8日(月) 会期中無休
【時間】10:00-17:00 (最終入館は閉館30分前)
【会場】東京藝術大学大学美術館 陳列館 2階 (東京都台東区上野公園12-8)
本展は《解/拆邊界 亞際木刻版畫實踐 (脱境界:インターアジアの木版画実践)》と題し、アジア各地から12の作家・活動団体による木版画を紹介します。とりわけ2020年に始まったパンデミックでは、人やモノの移動を一元的に管理する国境の問題や、差別や排外主義などの社会的、心理的な排除や断絶の問題を現前化させました。本展はわたしたちの生きる世界や社会に張り巡らされた「境界」を改めて主題化し、これらの境界からの離脱・解体を志向するトランスナショナルなアジアの木版画実践とそのネットワークについて紹介します。同時に、コロナ期に各地で制作された木版画を比較することで「アジア」という地理的/政治的概念への批判的認識と、さらなる理解・議論の可能性を開くことを目指しています。
キム・オク (Kim Eok)、ソウル
パンクロック・スゥラップ (Pangrok Sulap) 、サバ、マレーシア
印刻部 (Print & Carve Department) 、台北
點印社 (Printhow) 、香港
プリントメイキング・フォー・ザ・ピープル (Printmaking for the People) 、マニラ、フィリピン
タリン・パディ(Taring Padi) 、ジョグジャカルタ、インドネシア
木刻波流 (Woodcut Wavement) 、上海、広州
吳君儀 (独立研究者、クアラルンプール)
江上賢一郎 (東京藝術大学特任助教、福岡)
日時:4月28日(金)14:00-15:00 (英語 *日本語逐次通訳)
5月 6日(土)14:00-15:00 (日本語)
■国際シンポジウム「問題としての境界 -木版画の実践と経験から-」
会場:東京藝術大学 国際交流棟 (Hisao&Hiroko TAKI PLAZA) 3階 コミュニティ・サロン
使用言語:英語 (*一部日本語での要約有)
発表者1:吳君儀(本展キュレーター) 発表者2:李俊峰(本展キュレーター)
発表者3:狩野愛(静岡大学 助教)
第2部「実践と経験 I-越境的協働と境界の解体」13:45-15:15
発表者:A3BC、刺紙、木刻波流 、點印社、Pangrok Sulap
第3部「実践と経験 II - メディア的思考/現場への介入」15:30-16:30
討議者1:毛利嘉孝 (東京藝術大学国際芸術創造研究科教授) 討議者2: 潘 律 (香港理工大学副教授)
■木版画ワークショップ (5/7) ← 中止となりました
会場:東京藝術大学 陳列館2階
参加方法:当日受付 (席数制限有り)
東京藝術大学グローバルサポートセンター (江上)
メール: egami.kenichiro@fac.geidai.ac.jp
[Exhibition Title】
Debordering: Woodcut Printmaking Practice in Inter-Asian Context
28 April – 8 May 2023
10:00 -17:00 (open every day during the exhibition period),
2F The Chinretsukan Gallery, Tokyo University of the Arts, Ueno Campus
The Inter Asia Woodcut Exhibition Organizing Committee,
Global Support Center, Tokyo University of the Arts
The Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts
[Supported by]
Nomura Foundation, Asahi Culture Foundation, Hong Kong Arts Development Council, National Culture and Arts Foundation
In recent years, art practices of woodcut printmaking have emerged in various parts of Asia. Artists and activists intervene in society through their works, create together with the public, and inspire each across the limitation of borders. The exhibition is titled “Debordering: Woodcut Printmaking Practice in Inter-Asian Context”, presenting 12 artists/art collectives from Asia, showcasing various practices in the context of “bordering” and its corresponding practices in deconstructing/dismantling it.
In the past three years, the global pandemic has caused certain barriers to cultural exchanges. This exhibition raises awareness of the issue of “bordering”, aiming to explore how it affects communication between people at different levels; besides, this exhibition hopes to outline the critical awareness of “Asia”, by presenting art practices from different regions and open up the possibility for further understanding and discussion.
In addition, seminars, guided tours and woodcut workshops will also be held during the exhibition period, to communicate with the audience through different activities. All are welcome to participate.
[Participating Artists/Groups]
Anti-War, Anti-Nuclear and Arts of Block-print Collective (Tokyo)
Chen Wei-lun (Taipei)
Jay Lau Ka-chun (Hong Kong)
Kim Eok (Seoul)
Lam Lok-san (Hong Kong)
Pangrok Sulap (Sabah, Malysia)
Prickly Paper (Guangzhou)
Print & Carve Department (Taipei)
Printhow (Hong Kong)
Printmaking for the People (Manila)
Taring Padi (Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
Woodcut Wavement (Shanghai, Guangzhou)
Krystie Ng (Researcher, Kuala Lumpur)
Lee Chun Fung (Artist, Hong Kong)
Kenichiro Egami (Researcher, Fukuoka)
[Program during the Exhibition]
During the exhibition period, participating artists and researchers will hold symposiums, guided tours, workshops, and other events.
■Exhibition Tour
The exhibition curator will conduct an exhibition tour (on-site registration).
Date and time:
April 28th (Fri), 14:00-15:00 (English with consecutive interpretation in Japanese)
May 6th (Sat), 14:00-15:00 (Japanese)
■International Symposium
“Borders as a Problem: From the Practice and Experience of Woodblock Printing”
Date and Time: April 29th (Sat), 12:00-17:30
Venue: Tokyo University of the Arts, International Exchange Center, 3F Community Salon
Language: English (Summary in Japanese will be provided)
Part 1: “Borders as a Problem”
Moderator: Kenichiro Egami
Speaker 1: Krystie Ng (Exhibition Curator) Speaker 2: Lee Chun Fung (Exhibition Curator)
Speaker 3: Ai Kano (Assistant Professor at Shizuoka University)
Part 2: “Practice and Experience I: Transboundary Collaboration and Breaking Down Borders”
Moderator: Krystie Ng
Speaker: A3BC, Prickly Paper, Woodcut Wavement, Printhow, Pangrok Sulap
Part 3: “Practice and Experience II: Media Thinking/Intervention in the Field”
Moderator: Lee Chun Fung
Speaker: Chen Wei-lun, Lam Lok-san, Jay Lau Ka-chun, Printmaking for the People
Part 4: “General Discussion”
Moderator: Kenichiro Egami
Discussant 1: Yoshitaka Mōri (Professor at Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts) Discussant2: Pan Lv (Associate Professor at Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
■Woodblock Printing Workshop Cancelled
【Cancellation of the woodcut workshop on Sunday 7 May】
We regret to inform you that the woodcut workshop by A3BC scheduled for Sunday 7 May has been cancelled due to the ill health of one of the instructors.
We would like to express our deepest apologies to all those who were planning to attend. The exhibition itself will continue until 8 May. We thank you for your understanding.
A woodblock printmaking workshop will be held by “A3BC”, a Tokyo-based collective that creates works with social and political themes such as anti-war and anti-nuclear. Woodblocks, ink, carving knives and fabrics will be provided.
Date and Time: May 7th (Sun), 13:00-17:00
Venue: Tokyo University of the Arts, Chinretsukan Gallery 2F
Instructor: A3BC members, participating artists
Participation Fee: Free
Registration: On-site registration (limited seats available)
Contact: Kenichiro Egami (Project Assistant Professor, Global Support Center)
Email: egami.kenichiro@fac.geidai.ac.jp